Mt. Ararat, Turkey

Mt. Ararat is remotely located at the eastern end of Turkey.


Noah’s Ark coming to rest on the flanks of this mountain during biblical times has made this one of the most famous mountains in the world. It is with this historical backdrop that we will arrive in Istanbul in preparation for our climb. After touring some of the famous Basilicas, Mosques, and Palaces in this charming city, we fly across to the eastern end of the country to Dogu Beyazit, which is the staging area for our climb. Mule support will help us get our supplies to Green Camp at 10,500 feet, where we spend our first night. After proper acclimatization we move to our high camp at 13,450 feet. We will climb the remote northern route on Mt. Ararat. The upper reaches of this mountain are covered in glaciers and we will be prepared to use ice axes and crampons while climbing roped up.




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