When in Southern California giving multimedia presentations I usually like to get outside during the daytime. One tradition has been to hike Mt. Baldy. Anybody can come who is in shape for a casual hike to the top of this 10,064′ peak and who can take a day off from work to join us. The groups are always fun and usually have a mix of a few new people along with the usual suspects. I always meet at 6am so there’s plenty of time to get up and down the mountain by early afternoon so I can drive off in the direction of my next slideshow, which in this case was at the Tarzana location of Adventure 16. A great time was had by all. Here are a few pictures. The rest are here: http://kurtwedbergphotography.com/Southern-California/Mt-Baldy/Mt-Baldy-November-20-2009/10398560_z85TW/1/720261895_QfcDG