Everest Base Camp Living!
Greetings from Everest Base Camp. Since last we checked in we had just descended from C2 after sleeping a few nights up high. Since then we have spent the last few days resting, hydrating, consuming lots of calories, and in general regenerating our bodies and planning for our next trip up high.
The days spent at Everest Base Camp are an excellent excuse to relax and be lazy. One of the joys of expedition climbing is having time to sit and enjoy a good book, write, and take some time to simply relax “guilt free” which has become an increasingly rare commodity in our modern society. We also find a renewed appreciation for the simple things in life such as an unhurried hot shower or putting on a clean pair of socks and a fresh t-shirt for the first time in several days.
Weather has been pretty typical for April in the Himalayas. Night time temperatures dip into the teens or low 20s. During the daytime the mornings are clear, sunny, and usually very pleasant with little to no wind. Most afternoons see the skies turn partly cloudy. Occasionally it will cloud over enough for light snow to fall. The ridge lines above 7000m or 24,000′ have been getting hit by strong winds of 60+ mph, which is typical for this time of year. Recently at Base Camp we have seen the first signs of the coming spring. Temperatures are starting to gradually warm up and the sun is peaking over the ridge tops a little earlier each morning.
After several days of rest and preparation we are now ready to make our next trip above Base Camp. These forays we make to higher camps are referred to as “rotations”. Here is the plan for our next rotation:
April 28: Climb to C2 (6495m/21,309′)
April 29: Rest at C2, small hike to stretch our legs
April 30: Hike to the base of the Lhotse Face, return to C2
May 1: Climb the Lhotse Face to C3 (7406m/24,300′), sleep here
May 2: Return to C2
May 3: Return to Base Camp
A special thanks to everybody for following along with us through this blog. For all of you who have written words of encouragement in response to our posts on this blog please know we have read every single one of your comments. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We will plan on checking in again after returning from our next rotation up high.
Below are a few pictures from the last few days of Base Camp living:

One of our awesome Sherpa cooks in the kitchen. Our kitchen equipment includes several large propane burners hauled in by yaks. All water is boiled and the cooking area is kept clean at all times. These guys do a fantastic job in a challenging environment keeping us fed three square meals a day!

Our Base Camp shower's plumbing. A large blue drum is filled with icy water from the Khumbu Glacier. The water travels down a syphoned hose and passes through a gas powered "on demand" water heater on its way to the shower head.

Rest days are a great time to visit friends we are sharing the mountain with. On one afternoon Kurt and Atte visited long time good friends from Argentina. Over several rounds of South American Yerba Mate we caught up with Fernando Grajales and friends who help us with expedition logistics when we guide our Aconcagua expeditions. Left to right: Kurt, Fernando, Tomas, a Sherpa, Atte, Luciano, and another Sherpa.
Everyone Looks GREAT Kurt (foods not bad either)! Good luck on your next trek and be safe!
Saw that there was a BIG slide near the Icefall. The report I saw said that only 1 injury, hope that wasn’t too serious.
Hello to Fred from his friends at “CHRISTIE” in Manhattan Beach! This is just amazing to be able to follow your climb. The photos are extraordinary. Anxious to read about your next rotation – anxious to read about it ALL! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, every day.
All the best
Christie et al
Thanks for the update. My classes at Lawrence Middle School have been following and we all enjoy the pictures and information you have provided and wish your team success. I let the Phi Psi’s Northridge know of your trip Kurt. Love the showers! Thanks for the schedules too because we get to think of where you are each day and night. We heard a sherpa passed away at base camp unfortunately last week. Great job shaving Kurt! Be safe, enjoy every moment, and looking forward to your summit pictures!
Your little brother,
HEY Ya’ll
Total awesomeness. Fred is looking like a bonified big mountain bad dude! I think he’s in good company. You guys are having more fun in basecamp waiting than we are waiting with you herea home. Hurry up and wait:)) Can’t wait to see the photos from camp 3 and the climb up the face to get there.
We’re all praying for your continued safety and high fiving your progress every day.
PS: Saw some great photos on explorers web of Simone Moro flying his helicopter up the icefall to take the sherpa away from the avi at camp 1.
Thanks for the update. The pictures are wonderful. Didn’t think about showers but your right a nice relaxing hot shower would be wonderful. The food look delicous. I continue to pray for the safety of you and your team. Safe travels this next week.
It is a joy to follow you on this adventure! So good to see this new photos of your environment as well as the general info on temp. and life at base camp. Keeping you all in prayer w/ thoughts of full lungs, strong legs and large red blood cells 🙂 Kay
Hey Kurt and Fred !
Love reading the blog and keeping up on your progress:) I’ve been missing SMI quite a bit lately! All my prayers with you both for safe and successful climbing!!!!
Hi Tater!!!
XOX -Michelle Tracey
Great job Kurt and Fred! Good luck up high! Thinking of you guys!
Hi Fred & Kurt,
Love reading about the Everest Chronicles, great job. I summited Mt. Kilimanjaro in March and my friend Wilfred Moshi will be the first Tanzanian to susseffuly summit Everest this year. He is hiking w/ Adventure Consultants of New Zealand. I hope you have a chance to meet him. Keep the trip reports comming. So long from sea level(long Beach, Ca.) By the way I have a permit to hike Whitney June 3 for the full moon. Can’t wait to get back on the mountain.
Take care,
Compelling reading and viewing, keep up the great work. The photos especially are excellent. Good luck with the summit attempt.
Appreciate the fact that you are not sat in some office back here in CA, your trip will be over too soon! The extent of my altitude experience thus far is a couple of Whitney summits plus local mountains but would be great to get to Everest Base Camp one of these days. Be safe.
Kurt and Fred,
I love the photos of what life is like at Base Camp. I like seeing all the other climbers you share camp with and seeing the sherpas who take good care of all of you. Your shower looks very nice and your dining tent too. I know you’re roughing it but you sure have nice amenities so far away from home. When you made it to Base Camp (before you posted photos like the ones above) I could only imagine what it must be like to live at EVB. In my mind I could only picture your tent and both of you heating up freeze dried dinners over a little stove. I bet Mallory would be extremely jealous if he could see you all now. I wonder how his hiking boots, clothes and camping gear would match up to what you have today. I know the gear is better quality than what Mallory had, but I bet you guys still get cold at night. I haven’t met a sleeping bag yet that really keeps me warm even down to 20 degrees. Keep warm you two, keep smiling, love the oxygen mask photos and the shaving photos and photos with friends. Kurt, thank you for the message you sent and the clarification on the postings. I can’t wait for your next post.
May God Bless You All,
Hi Kurt, Hi Fred,Hi Kurt and Fred’s Sherpa Friend,
Hey, I saw a new photo of Kurt standing below a big rock which is perched on a snow bank, hmmm, someone has a special link to you two at EVB. Well, I promise I won’t make your journal a thread of silliness but I just had to let you know that Mr. Australia himself, you know…from Wagga Wagga, seems to have been inspired by your Everest trip journal so much so that he’s written a daffy bit and shared it with the WZ. I’d like to share it with you, here it is….
I’ve had a rotten week, mostly, as I’ve had a digestive condition which caused sudden, unplanned dashes to the bathroom. So I kept in close range and even moved some furniture around so as to have unimpeded access. Girl Next Door (GND) whispered a palliative in my ear & even drove to the pharmacy to get the needed equipment for me. So, twice a day, I did the simple procedure, and it made life a lot more convenient – no more unplanned dashing off when calling a client or engrossed in complex code!
Today is Sunday, and as I’m feeling better I decided to skip the cleansing. I needed to prune some dead branches from the palm tree fifteen or so feet up, so I got my twenty-four foot extension ladder out (exactly the same climbing equipment used on Everest expeditions), extended it all the way, and climbed up the palm tree carrying a saw. When I had almost finished trimming, two things happened: I leaned out too far & barely saved a nasty fall by grabbing a branch. Then that awful feeling of pressure hit! I slid down, couldn’t even jump the last few feet and rushed inside. Thankfully I made the Thunder Bowl!
We should learn something from each new day. Today I discovered that it is good to keep your fronds close and your enemas closer.
Adventurum veris sub ubi albus nihil. – Ipsi dixit MCMLXXII
Hey, you’re getting very close to having 800 views of your journal.
I am so hoping the winds slack off, a nice amount of snow comes, and all of you get the chance to summit Mt. Everest, and return just as safely. It is as close to heaven as one can get without having a serious health problem/accident or using engines to attain altitude. Know I feel like a kid cheering for your success, but I also know that this journey is imprinting on your souls and heart. This experience (what you learn about yourself and your companions) can only widen your outlook on living your life and living it fully. It is epic, really. xox to all Laurie